Consuming climate change and consuming the Frappuccino is no different, both are due to uncontrolled unfettered emotion and the product of never being told no and never taking personal responsibility. These progressives act only regressively to stimuli and propaganda sold as improving the situation based on the lie that you went to college to change the world and you do it by purchasing a Frappuccino on the basis that 0. 5 cents goes to the transgender surgery of the endangered rainbow fly of the Ukraine wilderness.

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Your correct in the framing and the sophist problem solving ability of the regime.

Where I disagree is with the example of the Dutch "Farmers". The system that they operate under as an export based industry is destructive to say the least. The problem doesn't lie with the GOV it lies with the GOV giving the LOBBY what they asked for. After populist get what they want from the state they get what they need the State. These "FARMERS" and their reliance on globohomo to maintain their model will be exported elsewhere to REEK the same HAVOC.

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